
    2020-04-16 23:06:20 来源:威斯尼斯人2299cc国际官网学院          浏览数:0













  主持及参与国家自然科学基金等国家、省、市级科研项目10余项,在Journal of Hazardous Materials、Science of the Total Environment、Environmental and Experimental Botany 等国内外重要学术期刊上发表科研论文50多篇,其中SCI收录论文30余篇。另参编专著1部、教材2部,获得发明专利2项,已培养硕士研究生10余名。


  1、Zheng Guiling, Zhang Ruiwen, Zhou Feng, Li Peng*. Foliar uptake and transport of atmospheric trace metals bounded on particulate matters in epiphytic Tillandsia brachycaulos. International Journal of Phytoremediation 2021, 23 (4): 400-406

  2、Zheng Guiling, Qian Jinghao, Li Peng*. Potential use of corn leaf and silk to monitor atmospheric particulate matter. Ecological Indicators 2019, 106: 105450

  3、Li Peng, Sun Xingyue, Cheng Jin, Zheng Guiling*. Absorption of the natural radioactive gas 222Rn and its progeny 210Pb by Spanish moss Tillandsia usneoides and its response to radiation. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2019, 158: 22-27

  4、Zheng Guiling, Li Peng*. Resuspension of settled atmospheric particulate matter on plant leaves determined by wind and leaf surface characteristics. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26: 19606-19614

  5、Li Peng, Zhang Ruiwen, Zheng Guiling*. 2018. Genetic and physiological effects of the natural radioactive gas radon on the epiphytic plant Tillandsia brachycaulos. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 132: 385-390

  6、Li Peng, Zhang Ruiwen, Gu Mintian, Zheng Guiling*. Uptake of the natural radioactive gas radon by an epiphytic plant. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 612: 436-441

  7、Zheng Guiling, Pemberton Robert, Li Peng*. 2017. Assessment of Cs and Sr accumulation in two epiphytic species of Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) in vitro. Chemistry and Ecology 33(1): 51-60

  8、Zheng Guiling, Pemberton Robert, Li Peng*. 2016. Bioindicating potential of strontium contamination with Spanish moss Tillandsia usneoides. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 152: 23-27

  9、Li Peng, Pemberton Robert, Zheng Guiling*. Foliar trichome-aided formaldehyde uptake in the epiphytic Tillandsia velutina and its response to formaldehyde pollution. Chemosphere, 2015, 119: 662-667

  10、Li Peng, Zheng Guiling, Chen Xuan, Pemberton Robert. Potential of monitoring nuclides with the epiphyte Tillandsia usneoides: uptake and localization of 133Cs. Ecotoxicity and Environmental Safty, 2012, 86: 60-65

  11、Li Peng, Pemberton Robert, Zheng Guiling, Luo Yibo. Fly pollination of Cypripedium: a case study of sympatric C. sichuanense and C. micranthum. Botanical Journal of Linnean Society, 2012, 170: 50-58


  中国野生植物保护协会兰花专业委员会委员,中国兰花学会理事,国家自然科学基金评审专家,Journal of Hazardous Materials、Chemosphere等国际期刊审稿人