
    2020-02-27 13:58:31 来源:威斯尼斯人2299cc国际官网学院          浏览数:0







  [1] Wu LP, Zhang SR, Wang J, Ding XD*. Phosphorus retention using iron (II/III) modified biochar in saline-alkaline soils: Adsorption, column and field tests. Environmental Pollution, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114223. (SCI, IF =5.71)

  [2] Khan AZ, Ding XD*, Khan S**, Khan S, Ayaz T, Fidel R, Khan MA. Biochar efficacy for reducing heavy metals uptake by Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) and spinach (Spinaccia oleracea) to minimize human health risk. Chemosphere, 2020, 244: 125543. (SCI, IF =4.02)

  [3] Fei C, Zhang SR, Wei WL, Liang B, Li JL, Ding XD*.Straw and optimized nitrogen fertilizer decreases phosphorus leaching risks in a long-term greenhouse soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-019-02483-4. (SCI, IF =2.67)

  [4] Wu LP, Tang JF, Zhang SR, Wang J, Ding XD*. Using Recycled Concrete as an Adsorbent to Remove Phosphate from Polluted Water. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2019, 48(5): 1489-1497. (SCI, IF =2.51)

  [5] Wu LP, Wei CB, Zhang SR, Wang YD, Kuzyakov Y, Ding XD*. MgO-modified biochar increases phosphate retention and rice yields in saline-alkaline soil. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 235: 901-909. (SCI, IF =6.395)

  [6] Zhang SR, Ding XD*. The competitive vs. complementary bacteria-fungi interactions promote microbial release of Fe(III)-fixed phosphorus: the roles of exogenous C application. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2018, 181, 566-574. (SCI, IF =2.06)

  [7] Khan MA, Ding XD*, Khan S**, Brusseau ML, Khan A, Nawab J. The influence of various organic amendments on the bioavailability and plant uptake of cadmium present in mine-degraded soil. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 636: 810-817. (SCI, IF =5.59)

  [8] Khan MA, Khan S, Ding XD*, Khan A, Alam M. The effects of biochar and rice husk on adsorption and desorption of cadmium on to soils with different water conditions (upland and saturated). Chemosphere, 2018, 193: 1120-1126. (SCI, IF =4.02)

  [9] Ding XD, Zhang SR, Wang RP, Li SY, Liao XR. AM fungi and rhizobium regulate nodule growth, phosphorous (P) uptake, and soluble sugar concentration of soybeans experiencing P deficiency. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2016, 39(13): 1915-1925. (SCI, IF =0.51)

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  [12]  Song XY, Li Y, Yue X, Hussain Q, Zhang JJ, Liu QH, Jin SA, Cui DJ*, 2019. Effect of cotton straw-derived materials on native soil organic carbon. Science of the Total Environment, 663, 38-44. (SCI,IF = 5.59)

  [13]  Song XY, Liu JT, Jin SA, He XH, Liu ST*, Kong XP, Dong FY, 2018. Differences of C sequestration in functional groups of soil humic acid under long term application of manure and chemical fertilizers in North China. Soil and Tillage Research, 176, 51-56. (SCI,IF = 4.68)

  [14] Zhang XG, Huang B, 2019.Prediction of soil salinity with soil-reflected spectra: A comparison of two regression methods. Scientific Reports, 9(1): 5067. (SCI,IF = 4.01)

  [15] Zhang XG, Huang B, Liu F, 2020. Information Extraction and the Dynamics of Soil Salinization with a Remote Sensing Method in a Typical County on the Huang-Huai-Hai-Plain of China. Pedosphere, (In Press). DOI:10.1016/S1002-0160(17)60478-8. (SCI,IF = 3.19)

  [16] Yang HX, Chu JM. Seashore dune rehabilitation using an inland legume species. Land Degradation and Development, 2020, 31: 215-221. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.3442. (SCI,IF = 4.28)

  [17] Pan Y, Chu JM, Yang HX*. Conservation choice on the rare endangered plants Glehnia littoralis. Conservation Physiology, 2018, 6(1):coy002. (SCI,IF =3.63)

  [18] Yang HX, Chu JM, Liu XS. Natural persistence of the coastal plant Glehnia littoralis along temperate sandy coasts. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:42784. (SCI,IF =4.01)

  [19] Chu JM, Yang HX*, Lu Q, Zhang XY. Endemic shrubs in temperate arid and semiarid regions of northern China and their potentials for rangeland restoration. AoB Plants, 2015, 7:plv063. (SCI,IF =2.27)

  [20] Yin T, Zhao CX, Yan CR, Du ZL, He WQ. Inter-annual changes in the aggregate-size distribution and associated carbon of soil and their effects on the straw-derived carbon incorporation under long-term no-tillage. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018, 17(11):2546-2557. (SCI,IF =1.33)

  [21] Yin T, Yan CR, Liu Q, He WQ. No-tillage combined with residue retention and plastic mulching improves maize yields in a cold semi-arid region of Northern China. European Journal of Soil Science, 2019, 1-13. https://doi.org/ 10.1111/ejss.12919. (SCI,IF =2.82)

  [22] Wei WL, Yang HQ, Fan MS, Chen HQ, Guo DY, Cao J, Kuzyakov Y. Biochar effects on crop yields and nitrogen loss depending on fertilization. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 702, 134423. (SCI,IF =5.59)

  [23] An N, Wei WL (共同第一), Qiao L, Zhang FS, Christie P, Jiang RF, Dobermann A, Goulding KWT, Fan JL, Fan MS. Agronomic and environmental causes of yield and nitrogen use efficiency gaps in Chinese rice farming systems. European Journal of Agronomy. 2018, 93, 40-49. (SCI,IF =3.38)

  [24] Wei WL, Yan Y, Cao J, Christie P, Zhang FS, Fan MS. Effects of combined application of organic amendments and fertilizers on crop yield and soil organic matter: An integrated analysis of long-term experiments. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2016, 225, 86-92. (SCI,IF =3.95)



  [1] 国家科技部重点专项课题:高磷投入果蔬种植体系磷肥高效利用与损失阻控,国家科技部,2017.07-2020.12. 主持人:丁效东

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  [3] 国家自然科学基金(青年基金):棉杆来源碳在农田土壤的固碳量和固碳机制差异研究,国家科技部,2016.01-2018.12. 主持人:宋祥云

  [4] 国家自然科学基金(青年基金):山东省砂姜黑土土种的系统分类归属研究,国家科技部,2017.01-2019.12. 主持人:张晓光

  [5] 山东省重点研发计划:盐碱地粮经饲绿色开发关键技术研究与示范,山东省科技厅,2016.01-2018.12. 主持人:崔德杰

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  [7] 山东省重点研发计划:盐碱地棉饲模式构建及生态效应,山东省科技厅,2017.01-2019.12. 主持人:柳新伟

  [8] 山东省自然基金面上项目:秸秆添加对设施蔬菜土壤微生物量磷周转调控机制研究,山东省科技厅,2017.08-2020.06. 主持人:丁效东

  [9] 山东省现代农业产业技术体系创新团队-棉花产业土壤和肥料岗位专家,山东省农业农村厅,2016.06-2019.06. 主持人:崔德杰

  [10] 山东省现代农业产业体系创新团队—水稻栽培与土壤肥料岗位,山东省农业农村厅,2016.01-2020.12. 主持人:丁效东

  [11] 湿地生态与农业利用教育部工程研究中心开放基金:持续湿地农业中氮肥减施条件下土壤线虫指标价值分析—以南四湖流域稻田为例,2016.10-2017.10. 主持人:张艳

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  [1] 花生连作障碍生物修复及高效施肥技术,山东省科技厅,山东省科学技术奖(三等奖),2019,1/6(崔德杰).

  [2] 有机肥改善烤烟根际营养及应用技术研究,广东省韶关市人民政府,韶关市科学技术进步三等奖,2016,1/5(丁效东).

  [3] 测土配方施肥技术网络平台研究开发与大面积推广应用,农村农业部,全国农牧渔业丰收奖(三等奖),2019,6/7(李旭霖).

  [4] 滨海盐碱地水稻新品种引进及优化施肥关键技术研究,山东省农业科学院科技进步一等奖,2019,5/15(丁效东).

  [5] 测土配方施肥技术网络平台研究开发与大面积推广应用,山东省农业厅,山东省农牧渔业丰收奖(三等奖),2017,6/7,(李旭霖).

  [6] 水稻绿色优质标准化栽培技术研究与应用,山东省临沂市人民政府,临沂市科技进步一等奖,2019,3/8(丁效东).

